APL Camera Club newsletter

APL Camera Club newsletter categories.

Ronen Grunberg's picture

April 25 Meeting Reminder

This is a reminder that the APL Camera Club will be meeting on Thursday April 25 between 7 and 9 p.m. in the Lebovic Room of the Aurora Public Library.  The following is on the agenda:


  • Gerry Conetta: Using gradient filter in camera raw.
  • Rafael Payen:  Correct colour cast in old photos.


  • Rick Armstrong
  • Angela Durante Dukat



  • Repetition/Symmetry (March)
  • New/Old (April)


  • Montage L'image at Hollandview Trail -- May/June
  • Photography Masters-- Andre Kertesz
  • Guest speaker for May meeting  -- Don Komarechka
  • Aurora Sesquicentennial APL Camera Club Challenge

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.


Ronen Grunberg's picture

Important Information -- Sharon Temple Walkabout April 13 Cancelled

As it turns out, Sharon Temple is not open to the public on the weekends until mid May, which unfortunately means that the walkabout for Saturday April 13 must be cancelled.

This might be a blessing in disguise since the weather forecast looks dismal with possible snow and rain and temperature set to get to a high of -1°C.

I will reschedule an alternate walkabout for sometime in the near future.  Expect a newsletter with more details shortly.

My apologies to anyone who has been unduly inconvenienced by this cancellation.


Ronen Grunberg's picture

APLCC Newsletter -- April 13 Reptilia Walkabout & April 25th Meeting


We will go on a walkabout this weekend, but not to Reptilia (because only seven people registered and not the 10 minimum required).  Instead, we'll head to Sharon Temple (18974 Leslie Street in Sharon).  Admission is $5 and we can stay as long as we like.  (For info about the Sharon Temple, go to www.sharontemple.ca).  If you plan to come, please sign up here.  You will find details about where and when we'll meet on the signup page.

If you signed up for the Reptilia walkabout but don't care to participate in the Sharon walkabout, please go to the Sharon Temple signup page and remove your name from the list by clicking on the "cancel signup" link.  Remember that you must be logged in to cancel.


The monthly challenge for April's meeting is "Something New" or "Something Old," or, if you're really creative, "something New and Old" in the same photograph.  The monthly challenge gallery is ready for your April images so upload them as soon as you can.  Because we're a bit behind with the monthly challenge critiques, we will critique the March challenge (Repetition/Symmetry) as well as the April challenge at this meeting.


Brief presentation from:

Ronen Grunberg's picture

March 28 Meeting Reminder

This is a reminder that the APL Camera Club will be meeting on Thursday March 28 between 7 and 9 p.m. in the Lebovic Room of the Aurora Public Library.  The following is on the agenda:


  • Camera Basics
  • Sharpending in Photoshop
  • McKenzie March Video Workflow (If time permits)


  • Glass, Fruit, Glass & Fruit (February)
  • Repetition/Symmetry (March)


  • Walkabout -- Reptilia (April 13)
  • Website -- What works, what doesn't
  • Montage L'image -- May/June
  • Joel Sartore -- Watch video & discuss
  • Photography Masters
  • April Monthly Challenge

Looking forward to seeing you at the meeting.


Ronen Grunberg's picture

APLCC Upcoming March 28 Meeting


This  newsletter contains important information about the APLCC as well as the agenda for the upcoming March 28 meeting.


For those of you at the last meeting, you may recall that Rogers cable was present videotaping the proceedings.  The purpose was to do a profile on our club.  The segment will be broadcast on a program called York Region Living on Monday March 18 at 9:00 p.m.,  so don't forget to tune in.  I will do my best to get a copy of the segment, for those of you who won't be able to catch it on Monday, and post it on the APLCC website.


In an attempt to streamline the club's website I made some changes to the look of the front page.  Specifically, I changed the look of the video players as well as some of the elements on the page.  As sometimes happens when trying to fix something, it's not inconceivable that it may have broken something else.  I'd really appreciate it if members check out the front page and let me know if something isn't working correctly on your browser.  More specifically, check to make sure that the video players are working correctly.  If you do encounter a problem let me know which browser you're using and whether you're on a MAC or PC.


1.  For the people who are new to photography, or for those needing a primer, I will do a brief introduction to camera basics including the relationship and proper use of aperture priority, shutter priority, and ISO.

Ronen Grunberg's picture

February 28 Meeting Reminder

Hi Everyone,

This is a reminder that the APL Camera Club will be meeting on Thursday February 28 between 7 and 9 pm in the Lebovic Room of the Aurora Public Library.  The following is on the agenda:

—Presentation – Steven Rose

Tips & Tricks -- Rafael Payen is going to walk us through the technique(s) he used to create his "Around the House" photo.

Critique Monthly Challenge -- Glass, Fruit, Glass & Fruit

HDR Photography -- Tour of Software

  • Luminance HDR
  • Picturenaut
  • Photomatix Pro

Joel Sartore -- Fundamentals of Photography 1

See you at the meeting.


Ronen Grunberg's picture

February 28, 2013 Meeting


We are going to have the pleasure of hearing Steve Rose speak about the workflow involved in his incredible photographs.  Depending on the length of Steve's presentation, we’ll try to cover some or all of the following:


The topics for this month's challenge are "Glass," "Fruit" or "Glass & Fruit."  Your images can be anything to do with glass, anything to do with fruit, or, if you're really ambitious, you can create an image that incorporates both glass and fruit.  It is not mandatory that you have both glass and fruit in your images.

I have created a page with some YouTube videos that will give you suggestions for this month's challenge.


We've been spending a lot of time on the monthly challenge so I am tweaking this part of the meeting.  Instead of critiquing all of the posted images, we are going to choose one image as the main focus of the critique.  This will hopefully move things along a little faster and we can have time for other things, such as the HDR presentation which I've had to postpone twice now.


Rafael Payen is going to walk us through the technique(s) he used to create his "Around the House" photo.


Time permitting, I will illustrate the use of Luminance HDR, Picturenaut and Photomatix.


Ronen Grunberg's picture

Reminder of APL Camera Club January 31 Meeting

Hi Everyone,

This is a reminder that the next APL Camera Club meeting will be this this Thursday, January 31st, between 7-9 p.m. in the Lebovic Room of the Aurora Public Library.


Don't forget to upload your images for this month's challenge.  Lots of people have not uploaded yet (including myself) but do try to upload something for us to discuss.

The theme for the monthly challenge is "Around the house/Something you love." The category is all set up on the APLCC website so you may upload photos whenever you wish. Just remember that this month's challenge asks you to take three photos of the same object (anything around the house including people, pets or inanimate objects) from three different perspectives and pay close attention to the lighting. Try to capture the essence of the thing by way of varied and interesting compositions. Experiment with lighting and shadows. It’s not necessary to have expensive lighting kits for this -- just use lights around the house. I have set up a page on the APL Camera Club website with three embedded videos that give suggestions on how to approach composition and lighting:

Click here to watch the videos

Looking forward to seeing you all on Thursday.


Ronen Grunberg's picture

January 31, 2013 Agenda

Hello, Everyone.

First, I would like to thank Doug Underwood and Deborah Barley for doing the "Tips & Tricks" and "Photo Essay" presentations at the last meeting. I know that everyone appreciated their insights and the time they spent putting it all together.

The following activities are planned for the January 31st meeting:


The theme for the monthly challenge is "Around the house/Something you love." The category is all set up on the APLCC website so you may begin uploading photos whenever you wish. Just remember that this month's challenge requires that you take three photos of the same object (anything around the house including people, pets or inanimate objects) from three different perspectives and pay close attention to the lighting. Try to capture the essence of the thing by way of varied and interesting compositions. Experiment with lighting and shadows. It’s not necessary to have expensive lighting kits for this -- just use lights around the house. I have set up a page on the APL Camera Club website with three embedded videos that give suggestions on how to approach composition and lighting:

Click here to watch the videos


I will do a presentation on how to use three different HDR software applications: Picturenaut, Luminance HDR, and Photomatix. The first two are open-source; Photomatix is not. We will compare and contrast what you get for free versus what will cost you some money.

Ronen Grunberg's picture

Free Software from Adobe and onOne Software

Hi Everyone,

I'm sending this newsletter to let you know that recently Adobe decided to give away their CS2 Suite for free.  This is an older version of the software but it is still very useful and should probably work fine on Windows 7.  As I understand it there is also a version available for the Mac but it will only work on an older version of the Mac OS.  It's possible to download the entire suite or individual applications directly from the Adobe site.  The CS2 Suite includes the following programs:

  • Photoshop CS2
  • Illustrator CS2
  • GoLive CS2
  • InCopy CS2
  • InDesign CS2

Adobe has also made available other older applications such as Acrobat Pro 8.0 and Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0

I want to emphasize that this is not pirated software but rather reflects an Adobe business decision to make this older version of their software available to the public in a manner similar to open source.  The serial numbers for each of the applications is available from the Adobe site.

If you wish to take advantage of this offer just follow this link to the Adobe website.  There is some debate on the web as to how long Adobe will make this offer available.  If you have any interest I would recommend that you help yourself as soon as possible before Adobe decides to withdraw the offer.


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