Submitted by Rhodri Ford on
Happy Canada Day!
Happy Canada Day!
Colourful Poster
Colourful Car
Enjoying the smoothies
Man on a bench - colour
Man on a bench - B&W
Lobster Pots
Lighting up the skies
Over the bridge
Memorial Flowers 1
Memorial Flowers 2
The Singer
Lady of the Bench
My Dodge Trumps Your Pontiac
Been There Awhile!
Circle Of Life - Original
Circle Of Life - B&W
My Dodge Won't Start!
Barred Owl In Joker's Hill
Barred Owl
Swallow Angel
Feeding Time At #211
Swimming Into The Sunset
Swallow Posing
Taking a bath!
It's In there Somewhere!
Street Scene - Busker Fest
The Root Claw
Jazz - Jamaican Style
Crane In Flight
Trees On The Hill
McKenzie Marsh
Green Tree Snake
Cormorant In The Sunset
A Bird In The Hand Is Worth...
Portrait Of Bethan
First Light
Farmhouse In Wales
Home Sweet Home
An Old Dodge
Another Old Dodge
The Farm On The Hill
The Beer Wagon
No votes yet
You're Album
Submitted by DougUnderwood on
I really like the silhouette of the McKenzie Marsh Cormorant. I have shot that shot a few times but yet to get some nice sky in the background or have them move. Very nice.
There is something about the Lampost I really like. You managed to make that shot interesting with the lines and composition.
I like the Old Dodge since I'm a sucker for rusting cars a trucks. Love the use of Sepia.
Submitted by Photographer on... on
A Bird in hand is Great.
Great shots
Submitted by Joanne D on
Wow - I think that Home Sweet Home is amazing, and I really love an Old Dodge as well.
After looking at everyones photos, I really hope that I will be able to take wonderful photos like all the ones on here. Thanks for sharing.
New pictures?
Submitted by Moonyoung82 on
I like the red bird image. Do you know what kind of breed it is by any chance?
I also love your green images-green tree snake and home sweet home.
Thank you. I think the red
Submitted by Rhodri Ford on
Thank you. I think the red bird is a purple finch.
Tree line
Submitted by Photographer on... on
Great Photo Rhodri
I like images like that it's a shame that some Farmers chose to take out hedge rows in favour of crop yeild increase.
Rick Armstrong
Jazz -- Jamaican Style
Submitted by Ronen Grunberg on
I love the Jazz -- Jamaican Style photo.
The bright sun, the sillouhette of the man playing, the tree etc...
All of the elements come together beautifully to create a tropical mood and a lovely image.
Did you do any post processing on this, or is it straight out of the camera?
I just made it a touch redder
Submitted by Rhodri Ford on
I just made it a touch redder and cropped a little bit but pretty much as shot.
Beautiful work. Looks like
Submitted by DougUnderwood on
Beautiful work. Looks like postcard. I love to soot into the sun as well. Live view makes it all possible.
The photo really captures the
Submitted by DavidTurner on
The photo really captures the feeling of the subject. It reminds me of the Duran Duran video with the guy playiing sax out on the lake only breezier.
Your Crane
Submitted by Photographer on... on
Rhodri How are You?
What are You shooting with for the crane shot?
Thank You
Rick Armstrong
Nice Crane Shot
Submitted by Ronen Grunberg on
The shot of the crane looks really nice. Too bad it is just slightly blurred. That must have been a fairly difficult shot to take. It looks as though you were following the crane.
Do you remember what the camera settings were for the image? The background is completely blurred which suggests you were using a somewhat slow shutter speed. It would be great if you would elaborate a bit on how you got the shot.
I like the vibrant colours of your images and your compositions.
Crane Shot
Submitted by Rhodri Ford on
Thanks, Ronen,
It was 260mm, f5.6 and 1/125 sec. Probably should have sped it up a little bit but I didn't have time to change the settings or I would have missed the shot. Tried to pan with the bird to show the movement but didn't quite come off. It's not easy to get birds in flight.
It's my mission at the moment to get a good bird in flight shot!
I love the colourings in your
Submitted by DavidTurner on
I love the colourings in your photos: the bright yellows and reds make me keep coming back to look again.
Taking a bath
Submitted by Joanne D on
Great shot! - I really like the vibrant colours and how the longer grass kinda frames the bird (what kind of bird is it? I feel drawn to the head because of the vibrant bluish-black colouring that contrasts with the lighter greens and browns, and of course the scary eye starring at me.
Did you have to play around a lot with the colouring or did it naturally pop like that?
Re : Taking A Bath
Submitted by Rhodri Ford on
Thanks, Joanne. It is a Common Grackle taking a bath at McKenzie Marsh. The colours are pretty true though I did saturate it a tiny bit.
Swallow Posing
Submitted by Ronen Grunberg on
Beautiful images of the swallow. Is this at the McKenzie Marsh?
I noticed that the background color is somewhat different between the swallow images. Was this done in post, or did you just change the settings on the camera?
I also love Taking a Bath and It's in There Somewhere. I love the pattern that the water is making in It's in There Somewhere.
Swallow Posing
Submitted by Rhodri Ford on
Thanks, Ronen.
Yes this is McKenzie Marsh - taken from the boardwalk beside the road on the North Side. I haven't done anything to change the background colour but some of the photos were taken on my way to the marsh and some on my way back so I think the sun's position had changed and made the water look a bit different. The swallows have a nest under the boardwalk and every once in a while took a rest on the twig right beside where I was standing - not the least bit shy!
I upgraded my zoom lens this week so I've been practicing on the birds. I was really disappointed with my last zoom - the sharpness really dropped off as you approached 300mm. My new lens seems to be crystal clear all the way out and focuses so much faster.
Submitted by Photographer on... on
Hello Rhodri
Very nice Bird shot the little Guy looks like He/She is in the middle of a Liberace Show!!!
Thanks Rhodri
New Lens EH!!!
Submitted by Photographer on... on
Well let Us in on what it is will You Rhodri!
taking a bath
Submitted by Moonyoung82 on
i saw those blue black birds from my neighbours backyard today and wonder what those were. now i see it from your gallery. very nice!
Submitted by Photographer on... on
Now Rhodri is stealing Doug's Bird What's a Club to Do?
Submitted by DougUnderwood on
No worries that is why we are a club. We can share and learn from each other.
Like the exercise with the root at Sheppard's Bush, it's great to see how we each approach a subject.
Nice shots Rhodri
Owl -- Wow
Submitted by Ronen Grunberg on
The owl photos are excellent. You got a perfect pose from them and your visual composition really works.
Are the two images of the same owl? Their color is different. Is it the camera's settings, the position of the sun, or are they two different owls?
Re: owl
Submitted by Rhodri Ford on
I think they are the same owl. It moved and I spent another half hour looking for it. I'm assuming I found the same one again but I'm not sure. It was in a different position relative to the sun so that could explain the colour difference plus it was very dark in the woods so I had to really lighten it up in photoshop & I'm not sure what that did to the colouring.
Unfortunately I missed the perfect shot as I looked down to change the settings on the camera and when I looked back up it was flying towards me and flew right over my head about 4 ft above me. It came right through a patch of sunlight and looked beautiful. I could only stand and watch! Lesson #1 - change settings while looking through the viewfinder!!
Submitted by Photographer on... on
Hello Rhodri
Well if it was a Buick it would trump a Pontiac it's a Dodge Rhodri sorry to point this out and given this revelation a Pontiac is stronger than a Dodge so things are as they should be.
Thanks Rhodri great Posts.
Rusting Away
Submitted by DougUnderwood on
Love the rusting cars. I'm always looking out for these types of shots. We need to find a wrecking yard for a photowalk.
Like the "Circle" Rim original. Great shot.
Auto Wreckers
Submitted by Rhodri Ford on
This place is huge and has acres & acres of rusting vehicles - everything from old farm equipment to school buses. The old guy there is friendly and tolerates photographers walking around. I think if we were to organize a walk about there we would have to clear it with him first and maybe limit the numbers to 10 or so. It is in Rockwood so about 45 mins away.
Submitted by WilliamVarela on
Hi Rhodri,
I like the “circle of life” picture and the name of the photo as well
Hello Rhodri
Submitted by Photographer on... on
I am not to Sure about the lamp post but the Tree memorial is wonderfully done and Well the Entertainer is Well Superlative.
Great Work Rhodri.
lighting up the skies
Submitted by Claire D'Aurore on
Perfect timing and angle, I loved the result !
Kensington Market
Submitted by Ronen Grunberg on
I love the Kensington Market images especially "Man on a Bench" and "Colourful Car"...the colours in the images really pop...but I also like the B&W effect applied to the "Man on a Bench" image.
When did you take these pictures?
Too bad you're not joining was for the impromptu walkabout downtown on Saturday.
Re : Kensington Market
Submitted by Rhodri Ford on
Thanks, Ronen.
I took them today.
Unfortunately I had a prior engagement for tomorrow or I would have loved to come on the walk about.
colorful car
Submitted by Moonyoung82 on
another beautiful picture, Rhodry! nice graffiti on the wall. love it!
I like lobster cage image as well. did you go to east coast for this picture? ;)
Lobster Pots
Submitted by Rhodri Ford on
Thank you. The lobster pots were taken on the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton in Nova Scotia.
Kensington Market
Submitted by Joanne D on
Great Shots from Kensington Market - I love how all the colours pop! Certainly a great area of the city to capture some of the diversity.
Hello Rhodri
Submitted by Photographer on... on
How are You Rhodri?
I Enjoyed seeing Your images from Your Walkabout in the Big Smoke at the July Meeting if I had not been told were they were taken I would have Said they were taken on a small island somewhere in the Caribbean but come to find out it is a local spot from whence they came.
Nicely Done Rhodri!!!
I need to go out and try fireworks one of these days!
Say You need to start a new folder Rhodri one could wear out a scroll wheel getting to the bottom of this folder.