Glenn Springer PowerPoint and February Monthly Challenge

Ronen Grunberg's picture

Hi Everyone,

At the last meeting, we weren't able to get through Glenn Springer's entire PowerPoint presentation, so he was kind enough to make it available as a download.  It's highly recommended as it contains lots of good information as well as a really enjoyable 5 minute slideshow presentation highlighting some of Glenn's excellent images.  The PowerPoint is about 75MB and is available from the following link:

If you prefer to view the PowerPoint online, it is also available, in Flash form, on the front page of the APLCC website.

Also, don't forget to sign up for Glenn Springer's blog.  It is very enjoyable and well written, and for signing up you will be entitled to a free Ebook.


The following is the monthly challenge for February and it caters to an indoor esthetic:

Macro/Close up/Abstract/Silhouette

You can do any one of the above, or you can mix and match.  For example, you can do a close up, which is also abstract and a silhouette.  So your images can reflect any one of the above, or can be a mixture of any one of the above elements.

Have a great February!
