APLCC Meeting Reminder for January 26, 2017

Ronen Grunberg's picture

Hi Everyone,

Just a quick reminder that the next APL Camera Club meeting will be held on Thursday January 26 between 7-9pm in the Lebovic Room of the Aurora Public Library.


Don't forget to submit an image to the Monthly Challenge gallery before the meeting on the 26th.  The challenge for this meeting is "Calm Simplicity" which, as I mentioned in a previous newsletter, is a fairly broad topic so there are lots of options in terms of the kind of images that you can submit.  Basically, though, the idea is to convey a sense of calmness and keep the number of elements in your images to a minimum.  In other words, keep things simple and dont clutter your images with too much stuff. Looking forward to seeing your pictures.


Lastly I'd like to thank all the people who showed up to the meeting on the 5th of January.  I would like to send a special Shout Out to Rick Armstrong for bringing his cappuccino machine and goodies.  It was really appreciated.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 26th of January.
