Submitted by Ronen Grunberg on
Hi Everyone,
The next meeting of the APL Camera Club will be held on January 2, between 7-9 pm in the Magna Room of the Aurora Public Library.
The following is on the itinerary:
- (Presentation) The Importance of Editing Your Photos (Before & After) -- Rhodri Ford
- (Presentation) Exemplars of before & after editing of photos previously submitted by members to the Monthly Challenge -- Steve Morley
- (Presentation) On how to be more motivated and inspired -- Ronen
- Photographer of the Month -- Chris McCaw
- Monthly Challenge Critique -- Minimalism
Please submit your minimalist image to the Monthly Challenge Gallery ASAP. Here is a definition of what minimalist photography is as found on Wikipedia:
Minimalist photography is a form of photography that is distinguished by extreme, austere simplicity. It emphasizes spareness and focuses solely on the smallest number of objects in the composition process.
Looking forward to seeing all of you on Thursday.
Ronen & the APLCC Steering Committee