APL Camera Club Then & Now Photos on Exhibition

Ronen Grunberg's picture

Last year a group of photographers from the APLCC worked on a series of Then & Now photo mergers to celebrate Aurora's Sesquicentennial and to show how the town has evolved in 150 years.

These images are now on exhibition at the Colleen Abbott Gallery of the Aurora Public Library.  If you've never seen these images, and have a chance to go, you'll be in for a treat.  The participants involved in this project were:

  • Ian Beck
  • Rick Armstrong
  • William Varela
  • Doug Underwood
  • Rafael Payan
  • Claire D'Aurore
  • Ronen Grunberg
  • Rhodri Ford

Be aware that there will be an article and possibly a photograph about the Then & Now Sesquicentennial  project in next week's (March 19) edition of The Auroran.

The library also put together a short video where they asked me discuss the origins of the Then & Now Sesquicentennial project:
