APL Camera Club Announcements

Ronen Grunberg's picture


Thanks to everyone who attended the first meeting of the 2012-2013 session.  It was great to see you all!

Our next meeting will be on November 29th.  Because of the Christmas holidays there will not be a meeting in December.  Instead we will be having two meetings in January, specifically on Wednesday January 9th and Thursday January 31.


I’ve been thinking about the monthly challenge and I'm going to make a slight modification.  In the past, we had one challenge topic per month.  Now, you can choose between two topics each month or contribute images to both. One topic will be more challenging than the other.  Members will still be able to upload a total of three images per month for the monthly challenge.

For the next meeting the challenge topics are "Things we want" and "Reflections.”  “Reflections” photos can include things like reflections in water, glass, mirrors, or more abstract images that reflect on something.  “Things we want” can include images or things that you would like to buy or own, or more abstract desires, such as peace on earth.

The monthly challenge gallery is ready for your images.  Looking forward to seeing your shots!

All the best.
